Glocal Society is a network of fellow social entrepreneurs.

We strive to develop and spread the social technology that will allow bringing forth the changes needed to continue the evolution to a sustainable human society.

Our vision is twofold:

  • on the one hand we want to promote individual, local and global action towards higher levels of awareness
  • on the other hand we want to design and practice concrete tools to introduce social change at individual, local and global levels

Some of our current foundational concepts:

  • Autopoiesis: Some 5000 years ago human beings started a new course of development that is driving us to destruction of self, human societies and the planet earth. We need now to step back, understand the impact of our actions, connect to ourselves and our environment and make the right choices. We do have opportunities we only need to let this awareness surface and realize it.
  • Awareness: The complexity of modern life and its ever faster pace do not lend to mindful decision making. Most of the time we make decisions in a nearly automated fashion, unaware of the consequences of our decisions and based upon the pressure of the immediate circumstances in a fragmented manner.
  • Communities of Practice: It is not enough to meditate upon our reality and be mindful of its pitfalls and potential, we need to act. Each one of us can only act upon their own sphere of influence but as we gather in communities of practitioners we extend our spheres of influence. It is also important that we harvest and share the knowledge that is produced through action.
  • Dialogue: “Because we leave in Language – and in the sophisticated coordination of actions that language makes possible – we bring forth a world through the network of conversations in which we participate. We embody and share knowledge through conversation. From this perspective, conversations are action – the very lifeblood and heartbeat of social system like organizations, communities, and societies.” Maturana Varela, The tree of knowledge (1992)
  • Freedom of choice: Human beings can be totally free from the moment they realize they can choose how to interpret and act upon whatever they experience. We just need to stop, sense and only then decide.
  • Systems thinking: To be able to cope with the current complex world we have created we have resorted to fragment reality. There is nothing wrong in it as far as we are still able recognize this fragmentation as a coping mechanism. Once we are able to see the parts we need to understand their role in the whole.
  • Theory of Dilemmas: In our experience two opposing forces can be identified in most human experiences, leveraging the best of each one of them is the key to strike the delicate balance required to build a sustainable future for humanity and earth… We do not yet understand what the implications on Universal scale are…

So, if you are fellow social entrepreneur willing to engage in dialogue and practice with people that represent the opposite end of your stream of thought and life, please do contact us and share your ideas, we may be able to take some action together.


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